GUAA Job Board
You must be a member of GUAA to post to the site. Once you have logged in, go to the Member Center in the Navigation Menu and select Job Board to enter the information for your posting. Each position will be up on the web for a minimum of 30 days for a fee of $100 or for 90 days for a fee of $200 and $100 for each subsequent 90 day renewal per posting. These fees will be used to offset our Internet operating and development expenses. If a company wants to post a job opportunity ad, they must have at least one active member in GUAA they are sponsoring. It will be the responsibility of the sponsoring member from the posting company to determine the accuracy of any ads on their behalf. The association reserves the right to decline to post any ad if it's not in compliance with the above criteria.
Current Job Postings There Are No Current Job Postings